Plugin Alliance Unfiltered Audio Sandman 1.4
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Plugin Alliance Unfiltered Audio Sandman 1.4

Add string-like textures and delay parameters to all kinds of sounds
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1.4.1 See all
Plugin Alliance
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The Unfiltered Audio Sandman is far more than just a delay plugin; it’s a wormhole to the dreamtime states of your sounds. It’s a deceptively simple gateway to a microcosm of sonic dimensions bordering the absurd. It’s a new way to extract loops and grains from a sound that can be as close to or as far flung from the original as you like. From the input of just a single sample, Sandman opens a Pandora’s box of endless sonic possibilities. At first glance, Sandman offers the most basic parameters found on a delay plugin – host synch-able Delay Time and ping-pong feedback, along with a wet/dry mix and a filter for good measure. Use these standard features for flanging, comb filtering, or adding string-like texture to percussive sounds. The Sample Rate parameter can add vintage grime or completely decimate a sound by directly lowering the sample rate of the DSP engine; an adjacent Dirt switch gives you the loving character of a lo-fi recording.



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